Genome BioInformatics Research Lab

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Let's move to two options to obtain a subset of the 650 binding sites contained in ABS. In the DATABASE SERVICES menu, select the option SEARCH THE BINDING SITES OF A TF or the option SEARCH THE PROMOTERS OF A TF.

With these options it is possible:
(1) To obtain the binding sites associated to a given TF
(2) To obtain the promoters that have at least a binding site associated to a given TF

In both cases, the selection mechanism is the same (Select TF and species):

And then, you will see the binding sites and in the second case, the promoter sequences as well:

You can usually jump from these site annotations to the gene entry just going through the linked entry accession.

To learn more about the additional data you will receive, please explore the following links:
Search sites [1] and Search promoters [2]

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