Web services clients |
These clients will allow you to discover and access data and analysis services provided through the BioMOBY framework.
Some also allow the construction and execution of re-usable workflows and analytical pipelines.
- Mowserv: MOWserv allows the construction and execution of workflows through a web interface
- Remora: Remora allows the design of Moby workflows through a web interface
Stand-alone applications
- Taverna: Taverna allows linking of inputs and outputs from both Moby and non-Moby services
into extensive and complex workflows.
- Dashboard: Dashboard is a Graphical User Interface helping Biomoby service providers to develop and deploy their Biomoby services. Because of its extensibility, however, it may (and I hope it will) contain also panels that are useful even for pure Biomoby end-users when they wish to call Biomoby services. One of them is the Simple Client that can call any service and has an extensible set of viewers for displaying results.