BuildORFs.c geneid v 1.1 source documentation

Open Reading Frames (ORFs) construction: ORFs are DNA regions beginning in one start codon (ATG), being as long as it is possible, finishing with a stop codon, and not including any other previous stop codon in frame.
long BuildORFs(site *Start, long nStarts, 
               site *Stop, long nStops,
               long cutPoint,
               exonGFF *Exon) 
Every list of signals is sorted by position due to the signal prediction process. For every start codon, looking for the first stop codon in frame to build the ORF. The CutPoint value is necessary to keep the order between the set of exons predicted on one fragment and the set predicted on the next one. ORFLENGTH value checks the minimal length of a single gene. The output list of exons is sorted by Start codon position.

Enrique Blanco Garcia © 2001