Contigs (continuous regions covered by uniquely alligned reads) from shotgun long RNA-seq in BED9 format. Contigs are called on merged biological replicates, but scored against individual replicates for IDR analysis. Gaps in coverage of up to 25 bases are allowed. Contigs are strand specific, provided the input experimental data is (if not, Column 6 = "u") , but contigs with more then 9 times more antisense then sense signal are filtered as possible artifacts of strand specific library construction. The bedscore (column 5) is computed as min(1000,100*log(summed_bpkm*100+1)) Column 7 is BPKM, "Bases per Kilobase per Million mapped bases", averaged between the replicates. Column 8 is a non-parametric irreproducible discovery score (npIDR) between the replicates. If the experiment is a singleton, this column is set to -1 (meaning N/A). Column 9 is the total number of mapped bases in the contig in both replicates (sum of wiggle track signal). The IDR is based on this score. Only contigs with score > 0 in both replicates are reported FORMAT: 9 \t seperated columns. 1-6: BED 7: BPKM 8: local IDR 9: Total mapped bases Contact: Felix Schlesinger,