Comparative Gene Prediction
written by Genis Parra and Josep Francesc Abril

Comparative genomics is the analysis and comparison of genomes from different species. The purpose is to gain a better understanding of how species have evolved and to determine the function of genes and non-coding regions of the genome.

Researchers have learned a great deal about the function of human genes by examining their counterparts in simpler model organisms such as the mouse. Genome researchers look at many different features when comparing genomes: sequence similarity, gene location, the length and number of coding regions within genes, the amount of non-coding DNA in each genome, and highly conserved regions maintained in organisms as simple as bacteria and as complex as humans.

Comparative analysis of the mouse, chicken and fugu orthologs for the human FOS gene.

On the other hand, finding similarities is not as much important as finding differences. The comparative approach also points out those features which are unique for a given phylogenetic group or particularly a species. Species specific functions can be involved in, for instance, pathogenicity, resistance to antibiotics, and so on, but also will result on more complex phenotypic characters such as the human ability to speak.


In this section we are going to run several ab initio gene prediction programs on a particular genomic DNA sequence. Thus, we can compare which elements are absent or present in all the predictions. Then, a comparative gene prediction program will be used to take advantage of the homology between the same gene in two species: human and mouse.

The programs we are going to use are geneid, genscan and fgenesh. After that, blast will be used to compare human and mouse sequences. Finally, we will run sgp2 (syntenic gene prediction tool) to build the prediction taking into account the homology between both genomes.

We are going to work with this Human sequence, which is stored in FASTA format. We also provide the homologous region in the mouse genome in this Mouse sequence.

Ab initio gene finding

In the first approach, we will use all the ab initio tools from the Gene Prediction section and compare the result of the three programs. You could open a simple word processor and paste the results of each gene-finding program in order to compare the coordinates of the predicted exons.

Step 1 Analyzing the Human sequence.

In order to use geneid follow these steps:

  1. Connect to the geneid server by following this link.

  2. Paste the DNA sequence.

  3. Select organism (human)

  4. Finding genes: You do not need to select any option (default behavior).

In order to use genscan follow these steps:

  1. Connect to the genscan server by following this link.

  2. Paste the DNA sequence.

  3. Select organism (vertebrate)

  4. Run gene predictions.

In order to use fgenesh follow these steps:

  1. Connect to the fgenesh server by following this link.

  2. Paste the DNA sequence.

  3. Select organism (human)

  4. Run gene prediction.

Some questions:
  • Do the ab initio gene finding programs predict the same exonic structure ?
  • How many exons can be found in the three predictions?

Step 2 Analyzing the Mouse sequence

(Repeat the same procedure as in human)

Some questions:

  • Do the ab initio gene finding programs predict the same exonic structure ?
  • How many exons can be found in the three predictions?

Do you observe any common pattern between human and mouse predictions ?

Comparing human and mouse sequences

In this section we will compare the human and the homologous mouse sequence using blastn and tblastx on the NCBI's server. Blastn compares a nucleotide query sequence against a nucleotide sequence database. tblastx compares the six-frame translations of a nucleotide query sequence against the six-frame translations of a nucleotide sequence database.

Some questions:

  • Where would you expect to find more similarity regions hits ?
  • Which alignment program do you think is more sensitive ?

In order to use blastn follow these steps:

  1. Connect to the Blast2Sequences server by following this link.

  2. Select blastn in the program box.

  3. Paste the Human sequence in the "Sequence 1".

  4. Paste the Mouse sequence in the "Sequence 2".

  5. Align.

In order to use tblastx follow these steps:

  1. Connect to the Blast2Sequences server by following this link.

  2. Select tblastx in the program box.

  3. Paste the Human sequence in the "Sequence 1".

  4. Paste the Mouse sequence in the "Sequence 2".

  5. Align.

Are the predicted exons supported by conserved regions ?

Other programs to align and visualize pairs of large genomic sequences are: gff2aplot, Vista and Pipmaker.

Using comparative gene finding tools

In this section we will use sgp2 to make the predictions using the conservation pattern between human and mouse.

In order to use blastn follow these steps:

  1. Connect to the sgp2 server by following this link.

  2. Paste the Human sequence in the "Sequence 1".

  3. Paste the Mouse sequence in the "Sequence 2".

  4. Select Homo sapiens vs Mus musculus parameters.

  5. Select Prediction in both sequences.

  6. Select geneid output format

Some questions:
  • Can you find similarities between the human and mouse set of sgp2predictions?
  • Is any of the ab initio predicted exons matching the sgp2 predictions ?
  • Is there any overlap between the similarity regions found by tblastx and the sgp2 predictions ?

Human (using mouse) Mouse (using human) Human and mouse
(using tblastx)

There are other programs that use genomic comparison to improve gene prediction: twinscan and slam.

Current annotations in the genomic DNA sequence

Go to the UCSC genome browser , and look for the annotation of this region in the human genome. Open another window and look for the annotation of the mouse sequence in the mouse genome annotation.

Some questions:

The predictions that you can see are consistent with UCSC genome browser annotations in both genomes?

Human annotations Mouse annotations